Domestic Violence Act U.P. Campaign 2007

A huge campaign for the implementation of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (DV Act) 2005 will take place in Uttar Pradesh, from 25 November- International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women to 10 December- International Human Rights Day, and will be carried out in 41 districts of the state.

The main objectives of the campaign are:

-to create awareness about DV Act 2005 at a larger level
-to make the government accountable for implementing this Law
-to create awareness and dialogue about DV Act 2005 at the district level

For more information on the DV Act 2005, click the link "DV Act 2005" on the pink menu bar below titled District Programmes and Campaign Notes.


D.V. Act Protection Officer: Mr. Ram Naresh Verma, D.P.O.

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