D.V. Act Protection Officer: Ms. Saroj Srivastava, D.P.O.
23 Nov: Press conference
25 Nov: Community Meeting
26 Nov: College Programme
27 Nov: Road Show Nov 28: Candle March
29 Nov: Signature Campaign
30 Nov: Discourse in the Police Station & Case Documentation Dec 1: Wall Painting
2 Dec: Candle March & Community Meeting
3 Dec: Community Meeting & Case Documentation
4 Dec: District level meeting
5 Dec: Nukkar Natak in Community
6 Dec: Press Conference & District Level Dialouge
7 Dec: Community Meeting & Nukkar Natak in the same place
8 Dec: Nukkar Natak in the Community
9 Dec:Community Meeting & Nukkar Natak
5 December
At a College Programme there was a discussion of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005.
4 December
Campaign partners in Azamgarh documented cases of domestic violence and learned that most of the victims were not aware of the DV Act.
3 December
The Ab to Jaago Campaign partners of Azamgarh organized a Candle March in which about 150 people participated.
1 December
In Azamgharh a meeting was organized in the Police Station, where participants received material and joined a discussion on Ab To Jaago.
29 November
To show support for the DV Act, 500 people attended a Signature Campaign.
28 November
A candle march was held and drew support from children, youth, novelists and local social activists who attended the event.
27 November
A rally was held at which posters and stickers were distributed and posted on walls.
26 November
Two meetings were held where more than 100 people attended. In addition, the Kala Jatha theater group, which will be performing in all 41 of the campaign districts, presented the first performance of their domestic violence themed production. 100 people gathered to experience the play.
23 November
There was a community level to discuss how all community members will participate in the campaign. A press conference was hold at which there was a heated argument with the media. The fact there was no money for the service providers who implement the DV Act was also brought up.
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